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.:Ivana's World:.

.:Ivana's World:.

*What I Love*

*My Family*
*My Friends*
*Playing Piano*
*The Color Black*
Soccer rocks my socks!


.:Check Out These Cool Links:.

1. My photo gallery - Come check out some neato pictures :)
2. My guestbook - Come on...don't be lazy dammit! Just sign it with your comments, what you think, any suggestions...whatever you want. Please? =)
3. About me - Just some useless info about me and what not. Check it out if you'd like...
4. My Gallery of my favorite bands - A few good pictures of some of the best bands around...I'm not done with it yet though!
5. My Brandon Boyd Gallery - Great pictures of the most talented and gorgeous guy to walk this earth! He's amazing =) Check him out...


This is a picture of the coolest guy alive! The utterly gorgeous and talented Brandon Boyd! Beautiful...(Grrrowl...) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Well, thanks for checking out my crappy page "Ivana's World". Attention Everyone: sign my guestbook or e-mail me! Trust me, I love to hear from people! Thanks :) I have just recently added some other links to some cool pages. One is my favorite bands page with nothing but cool pics, and the other is my Brandon Boyd pics page with this talented beautiful human being. Believe me, you'll like em' just as much as I do!! And if not, you're not worthy of being here! Just kidding. ;) I also added a brand new page with some info about me so if you want, you can check that out too. Well, thanks for stopping by here at "Ivana's World". Don't forget to come back and visit my page again sometime soon...toodles!


Feel free to e-mail me at any time. =)

.:You're Visitor Number:.
