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Erin's Homepage--The Best place to Be

Four Quick things About Me

My Favorite Web Sites and Prizes, mail, and more
My Affiliates Page

Hey guys!! Hi, my name is Erin and this is my very first homepage..and i loved making it and I want all of you guys to make one too!! I play the French Horn in the Cooper Band (can you nerd?) and I am curently fourth chair in our honors band (mean 'ole Dustin beat me boo hoo:o) I am also on the varsity Gymnastics team where i am our vault captain. I love my team...even when we fight like sisters always do. I went to state last year which I think is really cool...and i hope to make nationals my senior year which would really kick. I love my friends to death and they're really cool. Thanks for visiting my page...don't forget to tell me you came...I'd appreciate it tons! Toodles Peoples...I love you all, and I mean it too!

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