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Jms's GoldenEye
GameShark Codes
GoldenEye Quiz
Hints and Tricks
Timed Cheats

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CCTV Tape Trick- In the Bunker 2, one of your objectives is to recover the CCTV tape. After recovering the CCTV tape, push start and go into your watch. Go into the part which lists your weapons, and other objects. Highlight the CCTV tape, and it will appear. It is the the GoldenEye video box.

Hidden Weapon on Train Level- Turn left at the first door in the train. Blow up the two boxes that are stacked on top of each other and you will get either a DD44 or an RC-P90.

Scientists with Grenades- You already know that if you shoot the scientists in Secret Agent mode that they pull out DD44. Well, if you keep dodging their shots, they will get fustrated and pull out a grenade. Shoot them before they can throw the grenade, and pick it up.

Scroll through weapons backwards- You can scroll through your weapons backwards. Simply hold the z button while you press A or you could press then at the same time so you don't waste ammo. Tjis trick is great when you have a lot of weapons.

Slap Jaws to Death - Having trouble with Jaws in the Aztec level? Rather than sniping Jaws with a rifle, take the easier path. After taking out the three guards close to Jaws, attack him armed only with your fists. It takes juevos to lay kung fu on the big guy, but since 007 is close in, Jaws will be unable to get any shots off.

The Invisible Odd Job (Archives) - Surprise your buddies by lurking in a spot that renders you invisible. Play the multi-plauyer mode in the Archives levels (without the radar). Choose Odd Job as your character, go into the basement, destroy one of the metal crates (make sure the top is still on), then go into the crate, duck, put your head down, and voila: No one can see you!

Mixed Weapons - This trick allows you to pair up more weapons (not only the ones you can pick up twice). First of all, you must have two sets of paired weapons that appear next to each other in your weapon list as well as ammo. One example of this is the Military Archives, where you can have two Dostoveis and two Klobbs. 1. Now cycle through your weapons backwards (press and hold A, then tap the Z button) until you have two of the second set of weapons ready. 2. Press and hold A. Press Z twice before cycling forward 3. Release A. 4. Press A once. 5. Press Z to fire two or three times to fire while the weapons are changing . If you did it right, firing the weapon will result in a glitch that leaves a second weapon up as well. If you have the All Weapons Cheat enabled, you can virtually do any combination.

Blow up Remote Mines without Watch - You can actually blow up remote mines without using the detonator. First, toss the mine as usual but instead of going to the detonator watch, press A and B at the same time. The mine automatically blows up and you still stay on the mine weapons screen.

How to Get the Golden Gun in Level 20 - This is possibly the hardest task in Goldeneye 007. And it's a spolier, so if you don't want to read on and find out for yourself, then stop here! Go straight to the tomb in which the Golden Gun is hidden. Open the door. Step in onto the first square and step two squares to the left (or all the way to the left). Go two squares up, then go three right. Then go two squares up, one left, one up, one left, then go two up and one right. You should be in front of the gun, and, believe it or not, uninjured. By walking those steps in that order, you will dismantle the indestructible auto-machine guns. The sliding glass will move down, and you're now in business. YES!Circle around to get the gun and the ammo, and then exit out of the side door.

007 Mode - After beating every single level in the game on the "00 Agent" difficulty setting, including bonus levels 19 and 20, a special "007 mode" opens up. This is a level editor level. Players can configure options such as reaction time, accuracy, enemy health, and more cool stuff.

This is the code to get all 64 multiplayers

Go to the multiplayer select screen where you select charactors. go to the last charactors (mishken or moonraker) and put in this code.

  • Step1-Hold the LEFT and RIGHT BUTTONS and press LEFT C
  • Step2-Hold the LEFT BUTTON and press UP C
  • Step3-Hold the LEFT and RIGHT BUTTONS and press LEFT on the directional pad
  • Step4-Hold the LEFT BUTTON and press RIGHT on the directional pad
  • Step5-Hold the RIGHT BUTTON and press DOWN on the directional pad
  • Step6-Hold the LEFT and RIGHT BUTTONS and press LEFT C
  • Step7-Hold the LEFT BUTTON and press UP C
  • Step8-Hold the LEFT and RIGHT BUTTONS and press RIGHT on the directional pad
  • Step9-Hold the LEFT and RIGHT BUTTONS and press DOWN C
  • Step10-Hold the LEFT BUTTON and press DOWN on the directional pad