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The Lone Gun Men

The Lone Gun Men Series begins on March 04, 2001.


(Dean Haglund)

*Sporting black-rimmed glasses, long blond hair, and T-shirts from a dozen hard-rock bands, the wiry Langly is the communications expert of the Lone Gunmen. One of the three operatives who formed the editorial staff of the conspiracy-oriented newsletters known as The Lone Gunman and The Magic Bullet, Langly once bragged that he had breakfast with the "guy who shot John Kennedy," saying he was dressed as a police officer on the grassy knoll. Although the paranoid conspiracy theorist has a lot of respect for Mulder, he is also quite prepared to lie and did not trust him enough to turn off a recording device after Mulder asked him to. In exchange for a photo of an actual E.B.E., Langly supplied Mulder and Scully with computer-hacked IDs to gain access to a secrete government facility. When Mulder teleconferenced with the Lone Gunmen from Fairfield, Idaho, while investigation the disappearances of several zoo animals, Langly didn't participate due to his philosophical aversion to having his image bounced off a satelite. After the newest Lone Gunman, and anarchist and computer hacker called The Thinker, requested a clandestine meeting with Mulder, Langly told the agent that the radical's real name might be Kenneth Soona. Langly and his colleague Byers identifed Nazi scientist and war criminal Victor Klemper in a 1970's photograph of Mulder's father and others. The Lone Gunmen also assisted in identifying Japanese satelite photos of the Talapus, a salvage vessel out of San Diego which had supposedly been searching for a gold-carrying submarine sunk in the Pacific during World War II. After examining and amazingly sophisticated video emitting device Mulder discovered in the small town of Bradock Heights, Maryland, Byers and the other Lone Gunmen correctly surmised that it was a mind control mechanism used to transform people's fears into dementia through their TV sets. Although the Lone Gunmen strove to keep a low profile, an ice-skating Langly joined his colleagues in a candestine package retrieval mission for Mulder at a Washington,D.C. area rink and the high-tech infiltration of a research facility via a subterranean tunnel.


(Tom Braidwood)

The short, perpetually unshaven and combat boot clad photographic and surveillance specialist of the Lone Gunmen, Frohike is basically the hands on technical member of the group and a master of hard sciences with a special interest in military hardware. Frohike typically represents someone even more extreme than Mulder in his belief in conspiracies, a fringe personality who has taken the agent's convictions to the far edges and makes him look positively sane and staid by comparison. A bit of a lecherous hippie, Frohike orginally spent most of his spare time lusting after Scully, whom he considered "hot". His much ccelebrated lust for Mulder's partner later developed into genuine respect, though, being the only person to bring her flowers when she lay in a coma in a Washington, D.C. hospital. He also stole her medical records by hiding them in his pants. After hearing of Mulder's apparent death, a saddened and drunken Frohike arrived at Scully's apartment, describing his friend as "a redwood among mere sprouts". The Lone Gunman was also the one who informed Scully that her sister, Melissa, had been shot and wa in the hospital in critical condition. Always attempting to assist Mulder in his pursuit of the truth, Frohike offered his expert opinion regarding LSDM, and experimental synthetic insecticide that, acting as a pheromone, had trigered a fear response in the small farming community of Franklin, Pennsylvania; teleconferenced with the FBI agent concerning the Farifield, Idaho Zoo's close proximity to "UFO hotspot" Mountian Home Air Base; assisted his Lone Gunmen colleagues in identifying Japanese satellite photos of the Talapus, a salvage vessel out of San Diego. In November 1996, fittingly near the anniversary of John F. Kennedy's assassination, Frohike called Mulder and Scully to The Lone Gunmen offices and revealed to the agents his version on CSM's past. Given the dossier's incredible arch, near satiric tone and absurd allegations, one had to wonder if Frohike's enthusiam led him to accept parcels of disinformation.


(Bruce Harwood)

Byers is the neatly bearded, dapperly dressed, military and information systems expert of The Lone Gunmen. Byers is basically the no-nonsence "mole" of the trio, spending all his time gathering bits of information about government activities. He tore out a magnetic strip from inside a twenty dollar bill of Scully's, telling her that was how the covert government within the government tracked money carried through airport metal detectors. He also stated tha Bladimir Zhirinovsky, the leader of the Russian Social Democrats, had been "put into power" by the CIA, "the most heinous and evil force in the twentieth century". After Scully was discovered comatose in a Washington hospital, Byer unerringly recognized and described the bizarre recombinant chemistry at the heart of her health problems and uploaded her medical file to The Thinker for analysis. Obviously more comfortable conducting research in the group's clutter filled office, an ice skating Byers did join his colleagues in a clandestine package retrieval mission for Mulder. Once Mulder realized that Scully's cancer specialist was onstaff at the facility and was probably enhancing her tumor's destructive effects, the agent instructed Byers to locate Scully and tell her to stop treatment immediately.

*Copyright 1997 by Omega Publishing Endevors, Inc. From The Unauthorized X-Cyclopedia by James Hatfield and George Burt.

