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Callahan County, Texas

Book 2 - General Index of Deeds - Direct

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Hartas Geo. Hall- J.M.&N.E.Merrick

Heslep J.E. - Mrs Mary L. Hart

Hinkle Talitha - S.W.Sikes

Hutching J.H. - J.I. McWhorter

Hicks E.J. - T.F. Briscoe

Hall S.J. - Ivy Wade

Hutchison J.W.&wife - Lowis Young

Hadley L.M. - Arthun Youge

Hadley T.B. - Hadley R.E.

Hightower C.C.&wife - A.G. Webb

Hoopers Mary E. - T.B. Hadley

Hoopers heirs - D.O.

Hutching Jno. H. - G.O. Cresswell

Hindson A.G. - W.E. Mayes

Hancock Levi &wife - RE. Hawell

Henderson H.M. - Sr. Lorris Typenriter

Hall Sallie J. - R.O. Sr. John

Hawkins Howard W.&wife - John Stites

Hewffman E.L.&wife - Samuel Barnhill

Hadley Thos. B. - E.C.Hill

Hunter H.W.&wife - John Stites

Henderson J.D. - James A Robinson

Hadley L.M. - W.H. Cliett

Hart James - A.L Jobe

Hadley T.B. - C.E. James &E.V. Wilkinson

Hess Olive & husband - Mary E. Reynolds

Hendrick R.F.&J.B. - L.A. Hendrick

Hadley T.B. - J.A. Miller

Harris Jno. W. - A.C. Davis

Harris Jno.W. - J.R. McFarlane

Harris I.G. Jr.&wife -

Harris I.G.&wife - W.C. Belchen Land MtgCo.

Hadley T.B. - W.E.Mayes

Hadley L.M.&wife - W.A.McLawry

Harris Edwin K. - H.G.& Jene Faster

Hawkins W.C &wife - I.H. Sidden

Hutchison C.T.& Co. - J.B. Stakes

Helton L. C. - A.J.Hall

Hutchison C.T. & Co. - JN. Stakes

Hembree Jas. &wife - T.J. Narrell

Hawingan R. - J.S Bumbam

Hinds W.A. - J.W. Jones

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Hunter W.E.&wife - C.S.Boyles

Hearn E.A.&wife - Mode Hearn

Hearn R.B.&wife - Mode Hearn

Hightower C.C.&wife - W.J. Busby

Henry W.L. - E.C.Hill

Hearn Mode - Luke Hearn .

Hearn L.Sr. - L. Hearn Jr.

Holdridge G.E.&wife - W.R. Crownoren

Hawkin M.M. - A.G. Webb

Hearn Mode - State of Texas

Hearn Luke - State of Texas

Hadley L.M.&wife - Mrs S.L. Noell

Hall P.W.&wife - W.H. Young

Heslep J.T. &wife - C.H. Jackson

Hadley L.M. - J.T. Heslep

HeslepJno. T.&wife - Henson Wagley

Holmes J.W.&wife - W.A. Flint

Hooper Ann L. - Hooper (heirs)

Heartsill W.W. - J.N. &J.A. Rushing &W.A.Hinds

Howell G.F.&wife - Isaac W. Morgan

Hearn Mode - J.E. Ross

Howell R.E. - R .M. Young

Hensley J.B. - Anderson Carter

Harris J.B. &wife - I.N. Jackson

Hooper R.L.&Wm. - T.B. Hadley

Howell A.W. - S.C.Pack

Hall Ella D. - J.B. Halloway

Hutchings J.H. - Frank Anson

Hall W.C. - A.G. Webb

Hampton T.H.&wife - S.M. Merrick

Hutchings J.H. - Frank Anson

Hutchings J.H. - H.C. Granthouse

Hill J.H. - Levi Hawcock

Heslep J.E. &wife - W.E. Mayes

Hearn E.A. - J.A. Scott

Hailey J.S. - National Loan &Ins. Co.

Harlow J.M. &wife - Dolphus Robinson

Hazlewood A.H. &wife - P.P Smith &wife

Hadley T.B. - R.E Hadley

Halt Abdon - County Judge

Halt Abdon - County Judge

Hill J.P. &wife - E.A.Hearn

Hill J.P. - E.A. Hearn

Hearn E.A. &wife - B.L. Boydston

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Harris S.R&wife - Bellie Orr

Harris S.R. &wife - Bellie Orr

Hudson R.M. - J.W. Aycaek

Hinds W.A. - J.W. Jones

Hinds W.A. - H.M. Rose

Hamilton John O. - E. Wrister & Co.

Hall W.C. &wife - Jno. S. Long

Ham G.W. - J.T. Johnson

Hinds W.A. - B.W.&I.E. Raughan

Harris Jno. W. - G.T. Mitchell

Hadley L.M.&wife - J.B.&J.W. Seay

Hill T.R. - Heirs of M.A. Peebles

Hinds W.A. - Mrs. Jassie Hinds

Hinds C.C,&Jessie - C.L. Gunn

Hinds W.A. - C.L. Gunn

Hearn Mode - H.W. Ross

Hall S.J. - G.N. Barden

Heslep J.T. - W.F. Jackson

Hillbrun T.B.&wife- F.S.Ormsly

Harris R.J. - County Judge

Hall Ella Danney - Jno. B. Hallaway

Hutchison J.W. &wife- J.A. Littlepage

Hendrix J.J. - Callahan County

Hutchison O.P. - L.D. Harwell

Hudson R.M.&wife - J.S.Ayers

Hooper R.L. & Wm. - Cert. Of Copy Order

Harris E. K. - W.J. Harris

Higginson Fredeire - Wm. B. Ellis

Hanglin Mrs.M.J. - Perry Klepper

Hanglin Mrs M.J.-

Hunter Sanil &wife - Anthoniy McGrow

Harrison Alices S.-


Hightower J.R.&wife - R.G. Jones

Harne E.P. - Edward J. &J.B. Cutbirth

Hawkins W.C.&wife - S.A. McMannis

HeslepJ.E.& Wife - H.J. Gibbs

Hood J.L.&wife - I.C.& T.F. McCarty

Hadley L.M. - W.A.McLaury

Harmon J.T.&wife - W. Xisher

Hutching J.H. - G.O. Creswell

Hhill Dave D. - E.C. Hill

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Hill E.C. - Ida E. Hill

Hinds W.A. - Lawis Stellman

Hinner J.&wife - J.R. McFarlane

Harris S.C. &wife - Hallis Falkenberry

Heatly Roff - C.V. Stallings

Harris E.K. - H.G.&Zene Foster

Harris JK.P.&wife - John McCrummen

Hartman S.A. - A.M. Robertson

HutchingJ.H. - Warren&Caweon

Hutching J.H. - G.O. Creswell

Hutching J.H. - G.O. Creswell

Hearn Luke &Mode - H.W.Ross

Hallett Mary E.&husband- Lillian Hale

Harwell L.D.&wife - T.A.Littlepage

Harwell L.D.&wife - T.A.Littlepage

Howell D.M. - G.H.Miller

Hearn Mode - Henry I.Sheldon

Halt Ablon - S.B. Estes

Hampton T.H.&wife - H.C. Darden

Harris J.B.&wife - Jesse E. Hinds

Hinds Cary C. &wife - G.W. Dean

Hadley T.B.&wife - N.P.Rice

Harlan R.L. &wife - J.A. Scott

Hallomay J.P.&wife - C.W. Hallomay

Heatly Ro bt .&wife -C.H. Mahaw

Harp D.F. - W.K. Boatwright

Harmon J.T. - E.E. Harmon

Heatly Robt - C.V. Stallings

Hadley T.B. - E.C. Hill

Hamilton WV. &wife - T.S.Mills

Harris A.E.-

Haley W.A, &wife - W.J. Thomason

Harris E.K. - W.E. Crawford

Hinds M.A. - I.N. Jackson

Harris E.K. - H.A.Myers

Hardly R.L. &wife - Lonny Hobbs

Harris G.W.&wife - O.D. Hally

Hall P.W.&wife - J.M. Hodge

Hodge J.H.&wife - Jno. C. Barrett

Hodge J.H.&wife - B.F. Briggs

Howell J.H. - R.H. Seale

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Hutchings J.H. - H.W. Windham

Hutchison J.W. - A.C. Aston

Hale R.P.&wife - J.W. Comelison

Hallaway Jno. B. - Ella Danncy Hall

Hall W.O. - A.G. Webb

Hutchings J.H. - H. Windham

Hart W.A. &wife - W.J. Maltby

Hendrix J.J. &wife - E.M. Wristen

Howard G.W.&A.H. - A.L. Tumer

Howard G.W.&A.H. - A.L.Tumer

Hogor H.F.&wife - J.W. Newton

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