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Dream of: 31 July 2011 "Old Books"

I was in the upstairs section of a building which seemed like the Gallia County Farmhouse. I was living there with several other young men (probably in their early 20s). A previous set of fellows had been living there, but they had moved out, and now this new set had moved in. Everyone had his own bedroom, but a central room was used as a sort of living room/community room.

I had left two stacks of old hard-back books (10-15 books altogether) sitting in the middle of the floor in the community room. All the books were Pulitzer Prize winners which I had collected and most of which I had read. One of the new fellows took objection to my leaving the books in the living room and he had already instructed me the previous day to get rid of the books. I was in the living room when he walked in and saw that the books were still there sitting on the floor. He walked over to the books and with a violent gesture knocked them across the room so they scattered all about. He then walked over to me and slung his open hand at my arm as if he were going to hit my arm with a karate chop. His hand stopped just a short space from my arm however. He then turned and walked out.

A while later, when no one was around, I gathered up my books to take to my room. I walked through one room which was stacked full of all kinds of books. So obviously reading was a part of what everyone was doing there. I realized, however, that I needed to keep my books in my own room, even though the other fellow had no right to sling them around.

As I walked past one room, I saw a woman in there talking to a young fellow. He seemed terribly upset and the woman seemed to be counseling him about some kind of drug problem which he had. I seemed to recognize her from somewhere. I figured the other fellows there were also in need of some counseling. I continued on to my room.

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