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Dream of: 17 May 2007 "Final Accounting"

I was at the Summerdale Drive House (which looked much different from normal). Carolina was here. I had come to pick up a last batch of furniture which I still had in the House. I walked around the House and noticed how different it looked. Some of Carolina's old furniture was still in the House, but apparently her husband Sal had also moved in new furniture. Five or six couches were spread around one big room. It seemed a little cluttered to me. Carolina pointed out some artificial flowers on the wall and she mentioned some idea I had once had about arranging flowers. She had placed together three different kinds of artificial flowers. It looked a bit gaudy, but not unattractive.

I walked outside. The House had a basement which I could look into (it looked somewhat like the basement of the 16th Street House). It was crammed full of stuff. I noticed some old ugly end-tables and a bunch of paperback books. I was surprised Carolina and Sal had already accumulated so much stuff.

I realized that I hadn't yet looked in the garage and that I needed to do so.

I thought if Sal came home, Carolina could tell him I had a legitimate reason for being here: to pick up stuff which I had left here. I looked at this as my "final accounting," when I was finally going to pick up all the stuff which belonged to me.

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