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Dream of: 12 July 2006 "The Takeover"

My sister (about 20 years old) had persuaded me to accompany her to the Gallia County Farm and spend the day. She said no one else would be there, so I wouldn't run into anybody. While she and I were sitting in the living room of the Farmhouse, I heard some people arrive and walk into the kitchen and I realized they were relatives of my step-mother. One after another, people (mostly young) walked into the living room. A couple black-haired girls (13-14 years old) who almost looked like twins walked in. Some boys walked in. No one said anything to me. They just walked in and sat down on couches and chairs arranged around the perimeter of the room. One boy (about 10 years old) seemed friendly, but no one spoke. I realized these were probably all my step-mother's grandchildren. I figured my step-mother would soon be coming in, and she wouldn't be happy to see me there.

My step-mother (about 40 years old) finally walked in. She had dark brown hair and she wasn't fat. She had a terrible scowl on her face as if she were very angry. She sat down.

I felt very uncomfortable being there. I didn't know what to say to anyone. I was certain my step-mother didn't want me there. She had basically arranged to have me ejected from the Farm and she viewed me as a terrible threat.

Several girls were sitting close to me. I didn't know what to say, but I turned to them and suggested we talk about dreams. They sat mute. I spoke a few more words, then concluded that they knew nothing about dreams and that they had nothing to say about dreams. I decided not to force the conversation. I thought it would be best for me to get up and leave. Obviously my step-mother had decided to stay and my staying wouldn't be pleasant.

My sister also seemed concerned to see my step-mother there. I turned to my sister and told her I now understood why she was worried about the Farm. I perceived that my sister thought something untoward was happening on the Farm, and I now understood her concern. Clearly my sister was worried my step-mother was going to take over the Farm; obviously my step-mother was trying to do exactly that. I wasn't going to fight over it: I had realized long ago I wasn't going to receive any portion of the Farm.

I stood up and walked out of the room into the kitchen. I planned to leave immediately.

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