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Dream of: 23 October 2005 "Lost Dogs"

As I was looking out the back door of the Summerdale Drive House, a huge brown dog was standing in the back yard. I walked outside to look at it more closely. It had a collar and a tag. It walked over to me and I could see a phone number on the tag with the area code "214." I also saw the word "Cole," which I thought could be a name or an address. To my astonishment, a second smaller dog also showed up, and then three more dogs ran into the yard. I didn't know if the dogs were all together in a pack.

Abruptly I remembered that Donna Griffiths was visiting me and that she was inside the House. I hadn't been paying any attention to Donna, but now I realized that my wife Carolina had left, and I wondered if I should go in and spend some time with Donna. I figured Donna probably wanted to have sex.

I called to Donna (about 30 years old) and she came outside. I was surprised to see a thin man (also about 30 years old) also come out of the House. I didn't recognize the fellow, but I thought he might have come here to do some work for me.

I didn't want to leave the dogs, so I told Donna to hand me the phone, but she apparently was occupied with something, and she couldn't give me the phone. The dogs began running back and forth in the back yard and finally ran through the gate out into the front yard. I followed the dogs out front. Donna, meanwhile, while I wasn't paying attention, jumped into my old Chevy Lumina parked behind the House. I was surprised she was even able to get the car running. She drove right past me out the driveway and headed down the street. The road slanted downward, and as she neared the bottom of the little hill, I could tell the car had stalled. Instead of turning on the street at the bottom of the hill, she crashed into someone's yard.

I hurried down the street toward her. Rather dismayed, I hollered out, "Why in the hell did you have to move that car?"

The other fellow who had been at my House also followed down to the car. I now saw that he obviously liked Donna. Together they pulled on the car until they moved it out of the yard. I thought we would now have to push the car back up the hill. I really didn't want to bother with it, but we had to do something with it.

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