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Dream of: 31 May 2005 (2) "Pickpocket"

Carolina and I were riding on a bus. At first we were sitting in the back, but when a seat opened up in the middle, we stood and headed toward that seat. Just as I was about to sit down, I thought I felt something touch my left back pocket. I reached back to my pocket and discovered my billfold missing. I immediately suspected the short Hispanic fellow sitting right next to me on the aisle.

I immediately started searching him, and I quickly found my yellow cloth billfold in a plastic bag he was holding. Some other stuff was also in the bag. I pulled out the billfold.

Other people were sitting around watching and I wasn't sure what to do next. Still holding the man's plastic bag, I walked to the front to the bus driver, a strong robust black man (probably in his mid 40s), and I told him what had happened. He calmly started talking about his son, who he said was a lawyer. He then talked about the problems I would face if the man were detained, and how I would have to wait while the man was processed. From his general tone, I inferred that he thought I should just drop the whole matter. I patted the driver on the arm and said, "Thanks," and then I turned around and walked back.

I decided I wasn't going to do anything. When I returned to my place, the Hispanic fellow was lying down in my seat. Carolina was sitting on the other side of the man, but the seat was so long they were not close. I mentioned to Carolina that I had over $400 in the billfold which I would have lost if I hadn't found it. 

I handed the bag back to the man and told him to get up, that I would prefer that he didn't stay here. But he refused to get up. So I physically picked him up and set him down on the floor. He didn't resist, and I got ready to sit back down next to Carolina. 

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