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Dream of: 11 February 2005 (2) "E.T. Collectible"

I was sitting in an office with my father (around 45 years old), talking about my mother's car, which she still owned, but which she was going to give to me. My father said the car had been somehow refinanced, so about $10,000 was owed on it. I wasn't sure of the details, but he also said some taxes would need to be paid on that $10,000. 

I didn't like that idea, but I wasn't sure what I could do about it. I recalled that I had been working with Seeley for the last few days and that Seeley had told me that he had refinanced his house and that he was going through a similar situation of having to pay some taxes. 

As my father and I sat there, Jon (probably in his late 20s) unexpectedly walked in the door behind me. When he stepped up to me, I wasn't sure what he wanted. He pulled out his key chain and showed me a bauble which looked something like a cigarette lighter on the key chain. He said that it had something to do with the movie E.T. and that it was a collectible. He wanted to give it to me if I wanted it. I was a little embarrassed that he would be showing me this trifle in front of my father. Nevertheless, I took the trinket and Jon walked out.

I stood up and told my father I needed to go outside and talk with Jon for a little while. I walked out of the room. 

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