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Dream of: 30 September 2004 "Octopus-Like Space Alien"

I had just put some items into a Goodwill collection bin, when I noticed that my ex-wife Louise (perhaps 30 years old) had stepped up to the bin and was also donating some items, including a nice set of sheets. As she was putting her things into the bin, I changed my mind, and with difficulty I retrieved a blanket I had put into the bin. 

I was happy and surprised to see Louise. She seemed embarrassed when I spoke to her and she mumbled that she had been afraid she would bump into me here and that she almost had not come for fear of seeing me. I was surprised to hear her say such a thing, and I told her I did not feel that way at all, that I liked seeing her. I told her I would like to visit with her for a while. She was timid, but indicated we might be able to meet. 

We were standing outside the high-rise, luxury hotel where we were both staying (my current wife Carolina was in my room, waiting for me). I told Louise I would like to see her later and she left. 

As I turned to head back inside, I could see the Dallas skyline in the distance and I was surprised to see smoke billowing from a couple tall buildings - and then I saw fire. The fire spread even as I watched, and soon a whole section of downtown was afire with many buildings burning. 

I hurried into the hotel and soon reached the third floor. As I passed some hotel employees, I asked if they had seen the fire - they had not. I hurriedly looked for my room, but I could not remember the number. I asked an employee in the hall how I could find my room number and he pointed me to an office down the hall. As I rushed toward the room, I felt something in my pocket and I pulled out the key. The number "264" was on the key, so I thought my room must be on the second floor. 

As I headed toward the stairwell to go to the second floor, I passed some windows and saw huge flames right outside. It appeared the fire had spread and had reached the hotel. Worried about Carolina, I thought I needed to find her as quickly as possible. 

I ended up in the basement of the hotel in a plush, lobby-like area. Almost everyone had been evacuated and only a few employees were still scurrying about. In front of me was a giant screen or window through which I could see the approaching danger, which no longer appeared to be a fire, but rather a gigantic, octopus-like space alien.

I thought I had a method of combating the creature. In my hand I was holding a small device, which when pressed exuded small, round, barrel-shaped objects, about three centimeters long and one centimeter wide. I thought I needed about ten of these little barrels to fight the beast. I pressed the device and two little barrels were produced. When the first one came out, it made a noise like a barking dog. The second one made a sound like someone whistling. On the side of one barrel was a logo from a pizza shop. I thought the sound was like someone whistling for a pizza. I only needed eight more little barrels. I still was unsure how these things could defeat the monster. I figured I would probably simply throw them at the creature.

Commentary of 08 April 2019

At present, I look at the eight arms of an octopus in my dreams as representing eight online dream journalists who are bound together in the octopus' mind with a common cause. Such an interpretation of the symbol of octopus for me has of course not always been the case. This interpretation only came to me after my fourth and latest dream in which the word 'octopus' appeared.. At the time of the fourth dream, I had only recently read two dreams of two internet dream journalists in which the word "octopus" had appeared, and I had become so fascinated with those two dreams that I had searched my dream treasure chest for dreams in which the word "octopus" had appeared in any of my own dreams; I found only three dreams. And, then, surprisingly, shortly thereafter, I had my fourth octopus-dream. This dream which I have just written here is the third of those four dreams, dreamed at a time when "octopus" meant something different in my dreams than what "'octopus" seems to now mean. The web contains many talented online dream journalists, but I have certain doubts that as many as eight are linked together like the arms of an octopus. Nevertheless, at least for the present, I think my conclusion is correct.

Notes of 06 April 2019

Sometimes the essence of a symbol can be examined better when several people dream of the same element.

ferocious monster or cuddly bunny

An octopus in a dream might seem like a ferocious monster or like a cuddly bunny. In one dream it seems to be a threat, in another it seems to be a joy.  It reminds me of the universe itself which sometimes seems threatening and evil, and at other times seems nurturing and holy. Its symbolic essence, therefore, cannot be characterized as "good" or "bad."

threatening or nurturin

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