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Dream of: 19 February 2004 "Renovated Courthouse"

Practicing law again, I was in a courthouse, standing outside judge Schwille's courtroom. I could see Schwille inside. His face was drawn, and he was much thinner and older than I remembered him. I thought he could see me, too. I walked into the rear of the courtroom (which was very long) intending to go up front and speak with him. A female lawyer was seated and talking to herself, practicing what she would say to Schwille. She was going to have a case in front of him and she seemed worried. I stepped up to her and told her that Schwille was a fair judge.

Without ever speaking to Schwille, I stepped back out into the hall. I had a couple cases I was working on, and I was supposed to have a trial this coming Friday. Since I was also supposed to be taking the bar exam that same day, I figured I would be able to have the trail postponed.

I was planning on doing some court appointments in class B misdemeanors in this courthouse, but I was also thinking of doing some class C misdemeanor appointments in another courthouse - I headed toward the other courthouse. I left this courthouse and walked onto the street. I had to pass through a black part of town which I knew was dangerous. I thought of putting my billfold in my sock but I didn't. I walked on until I was standing in front of the imposing beige courthouse. It was old but was being renovated inside. I walked into the confusing interior and I looked for an elevator. 

My ex-wife Louise (probably in her mid 20s) was walking in the hall ahead of me. I thought she was going to get on an elevator. Her hair was blondish. I thought we would be alone on the same elevator and I would be able to talk with her. She turned into a hallway and I followed. Then she turned into an office. I was disappointed. Apparently she had an office here in the courthouse.

I continued down the hall, still looking for an elevator, until I came into a cozy little room with desks. A woman at a desk pointed me to an elevator. Everything was old fashioned. It looked as if the courthouse was being restored to its original state, but the work was taking a long time. I probably wouldn't be able to work here because it took too long to get around. 

I boarded an old-fashioned elevator and headed up. The elevator had windows so I could look out. It was as if we were going up the middle of a big inner room and I could see the walls of the room and the floors as we passed. All kinds of antique knick knacks were on the walls. On one floor I could see a black man who had a small barber shop. It looked as if he had been here before the renovation and had stayed on. I thought I might come back later to him to get a haircut.

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