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Dream of: 05 August 2003 "Too Many Bears"

Carolina and I had acquired a couple brown bears, and those bears in turn had produced cubs, so that we now had 24 bears, mostly cubs. Obviously we couldn't keep all these bears – but what could we do with them? We were living in a forested area which was part of the capital city of this area. I thought perhaps we could just turn the bears loose, but I learned that doing so was a crime.

Carolina and I walked down a little hill from our house and encountered a woman we knew at the bottom. She suspected our problem with the bears, and we confirmed to her what had happened. She had previously warned us against having more bears; but now she was willing to try to help us.

I looked back at the path we had descended; a couple bears had followed us, only they looked like Dalmatian dogs instead of bears. One was lying in the middle of the path looking at us. They were so lovable; we would have to make sure they weren't harmed when we found a place for them.

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