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Dream of: 28 July 2003 "Fast Superman Method"

always improve your power

In a mammoth labyrinthine building, I had encountered a woman who was an expert on flying. She belonged to a group of flyers and she even gave lessons. She looked about 30 years old and was dressed all in white. She didn't smile and she didn't even say anything - she simply listened as I made a few remarks.

She was ready to fly through the winding hallways of the building and I was also ready. I had some expertise in flying myself, although I could certainly use some instruction. Uncertain how to even begin, I asked her if it were best to simply hop up into the air when taking off.

She didn't respond – she simply lifted off the ground and began floating down the corridor. Mimicking her motions, I followed. We flew in a standing position, even though I knew the fastest way to fly was lying flat, Superman-style. It was my understanding that she was an expert in the fast Superman method.

We continued along and picked up speed, until we came to a group of people waiting to pass through some turnstiles. My companion simply flew past them, but I had a little more trouble, somehow becoming entangled in the mob, and I fell behind. By the time I made it through the turnstiles, my companion was so far ahead of me, I was uncertain I could catch up.

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