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Dream of: 03 February 2003 "Studying Writing"

As Carolina and I were lying in bed, making love, people began walking into the room. She and I immediately stopped and stood up from the bed. I was wearing dark blue pajamas. As I looked around me, I realized we were in an auditorium, somewhere in Portsmouth. I wanted to leave, but so many people were now flooding into the auditorium, I had to step to the side.

Two fellows who knew me stepped up to me and invited Carolina and me to a party.  I slowly realized why we were being invited – the people were coming to the auditorium for an awards ceremony and Carolina was going to be awarded the top prize.

Should I go to the party? I asked where the party would be and was told it would be at Sam Wiseman's house. Did they mean Dr. Weinstein, the father of my old friend Weinstein? No, this was someone different, someone whom I didn't know. I told the two fellows I might come. If I went to the party, I might talk to people about my new plans of returning to college to study writing. I knew my now returning to undergraduate school after having completed law school would seem a little strange; but that was my intention.

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