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Dream of: 31 August 2002 "Making Wine In Church"

be intoxicated by your art

I walked into a small shabby church where I was visiting for the first time. In the entrance I noticed a broken tile with half of it missing. Little things like the missing half piece of tile made me wonder why the church was so run-down. Why couldn't the tile be replaced? A tall thin gray-haired man (about 50 years old) stood up. He looked exactly like B. J. Harrison (the character played by George Hamilton in the movie The Godfather Part III). He and I started talking. He was an attorney and we quickly arranged for me to do some work for him. It seemed the church was also his law office. I could see other lawyers who were also working for him. One was a woman (about 35 years old) sitting at a desk. I figured that the lawyer probably met many people in this church and that much of his clientele must originate in the church. I had the feeling that he had many clients.

The lawyer and I walked into another room and immediately went to work. He told me that one of his projects was making wine and that I could see the bottles in the room. I looked over the bottles and I talked about the fermentation process. Some wine was in a jug where it was fermenting and some had been poured off. I asked him if the wine in the jug was still fermenting and he said it was. I looked into the jug and I could see the bubbles still rising on the fermenting red wine. He poured out some wine and we tasted it. Then we tasted a second batch which had been fermenting for a day longer. I commented about how the second batch of wine was definitely better than the first.

We walked out of the room, stepped outside and started walking along a city street. I thought to myself that I was little more than a lackey for this lawyer, but I didn't mind. Although I was wearing a tee shirt, the lawyer was dressed quite well. I noticed his shirt and his black shoes. He was a wealthy man. I wondered how much the black shoes had cost - they looked quite expensive.

We sat down on a little bench which appeared to be a bus stop on a city street and we talked about the kind of work which I would be doing for him. He mentioned he would like to plant a vineyard. I said I knew of someplace like Iowa where he could plant. I then thought about my father's Gallia County Farm. I told him that my father owned a farm in Ohio and that for years my father had been thinking of planting grape vines there, but he had never done so. I told the lawyer the Farm was almost 400 acres of gently rolling land and I made a gently rolling motion with my hand, but quickly corrected myself and made the hills seem steeper with my hands. I said at least 50% of the land could be cultivated. The lawyer seemed to like the idea. I told him my father was now 70 years old and obviously he wasn't going to plant grape vines. I thought maybe the lawyer could actually arrange the planting of the grapes on the Farm. The idea seemed excellent.

As part of the project, the lawyer gave me some sheets of pictures on which to work. Four artistic pictures (one in each corner) were on each sheet of the average-sized paper. I was supposed to cut out the pictures and paste them on a conference table in the lawyer's office. I looked through the pictures and one picture by Salvador Dalí especially caught my eye. The fabulous picture displayed much detail. I would definitely paste that picture on the table.

After perusing the pictures, I stood up. We took our leave and I walked away from the lawyer. As I headed down the street, I reflected that perhaps I should have spent more time today with the lawyer, but when I turned around and looked back, he had already left. So I continued walking on.

Dream Commentary 2012

I am so fortunate to have Dalí as my companion on my adventure of self-discovery. Though old, we are young of mind, bedazzled by the beauty of history. He is a man I trust to guide me toward the truth.

sacrifice everything for your art

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