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Dream of: 03 July 2002 (2) "Japanese Banana"

Carolina and I were sitting at a cafeteria-style table in a large room which seemed somewhat like a library. The table had space for three people on each side; other people were seated at the other end. Carolina and I were eating a meal – like a sack lunch. I picked up a banana from the table and peeled it. When Carolina saw what I had done, she protested that I should not have taken the banana, that it was a special "Japanese Banana." I looked at the peeled banana; it looked like a regular banana except it was bit grainy inside, as if it contained some small seeds. Apparently Carolina had never had this kind of banana before and had been waiting for it to ripen. I handed it to her. One other un-peeled Japanese banana was still on the table; and in front of Carolina lay four regular bananas. I asked her if the four regular bananas were ours or if they belonged to the people at the other end of the table. She said they were ours.

Just as I was about to pick up one of the regular bananas, some women stepped up and began moving our table. The women were well-dressed, vigorous, and probably in their early 40s. I recognized one tall woman with short blonde hair as an attorney whom I had met many years ago; I concluded that all the women were attorneys and that they wanted our table to work on.

By this time I was standing. I stepped up to the blonde, reached out to her and took her hand. One of the other women gasped, as if she though I was attacking the woman; but I was only trying to shake her hand.

I became rather indignant and began protesting to the women that Carolina and I were sitting at this table (the people at the other end appeared to have already moved to avoid problems). But the women seemed to pay no attention to me. They seemed determined to sit at this table and place it wherever they wanted.

When I looked back at the spot where I had been sitting, someone had even moved my food around. I picked up my glass and sat it back down hard on the table, making a loud bang. Still, no one seemed to pay any attention to me. Then I noticed that the chairs on my side of the table had all been replaced by three small rocking chairs. Another table had been scooted up next to my table and a woman was sitting in a chair which looked like mine. Apparently the women were going to try to take over everything. Maybe I should put a sign on my space which would read, "Seat Taken."

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Copyright 2002 by Steve Collier