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Dream of: 19 April 2001 "Sharing Super Heroes"

I had left my step-grandfather Clarence sitting on a tractor in one of the lower barns on the Gallia County Farm, and I had walked up to the Farmhouse. I hadn't visited the Farmhouse in quite a while, and it had changed considerably in my absence. Most annoyingly, my father (still living in the House) had filled the House with houseguests; even now perhaps 15-20 people were circulating through the House.

Not caring to mingle with the houseguests, I made my way to the second floor. I was already thinking about the many collectibles and pieces of furniture which I had stored upstairs, worried about how safe they were here now that so many people had invaded the House. My fears were immediately confirmed when I discovered that the fancy mahogany television case, for which I had paid over $1,000, was missing.

I walked into the back room where most of my possessions were stored. I felt isolated here and less than ever as if this was where I belonged; my connection with the Farm was becoming more and more tenuous. I would have liked to have at least maintained a presence in this back room, but perhaps the time had arrived for me to entirely move out all my possessions.

I was aware that my sister was hoping to completely take over the Farmhouse; indeed, I suspected that she was the one who had removed my television case. She had probably sold it. I walked back through the upstairs to the small bedroom off the hall by the stairs. My sister had appropriated the small bedroom for herself and she had even knocked out part of the wall between the room and the hallway, creating a large window giving onto the hallway. When I walked to the door of the small bedroom, I could see two beds inside.

As I gazed into the bedroom, I noticed a man standing next to me in the hallway. Although he was only about 20 years old, he looked like my father and at first I thought he was my father. He seemed aware of my concern about my possessions and he indicated that such concern for the possessions seemed unnecessary since I surely was making so much money from my law practice. He said I should have made more that one million dollars by now.

I turned from him and entered the small bedroom, where I discovered my sister (about 20 years old) standing in the room. I told her I had at first thought the fellow in the hall was our father. I also told her that he was mistaken about how much money I was making because I wasn't practicing law anymore.

I then confronted her about her having taken the television case. When she admitted it, I picked up a chair sitting in the room and asked her what she would think if I were to take her chair. She replied, "Go ahead."

When I set the chair back down, my sister told me I could keep all my possessions up my ass. Trying to see the humor in the situation, I thought to myself that in a sense, I intended to do exactly that. That is, I intended to keep my collectibles stored in a safe place for a long time. The many collectibles were becoming more valuable over time and when I finally retired, I would sell them for a small fortune. But my sister, of course, had no appreciation of such a plan.

If I were to stay on the Farm, however, I might pull some of the collectibles out of storage and allow people visiting the House to see them. For example, I had hundreds if not thousands of comic books. I might occasionally bring out a set of comics, perhaps of a particular super hero, and set the comics out for people to see. I could periodically change the sets. But I would have to think more about such a plan before I would decide to share my super heroes.

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