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Dream of: 14 April 2001 "Fog Bank"

I had just landed on a flight from Europe; I didn't know where I was. I would have to wait here 2 hours for a connecting flight. I was trying to assemble my luggage – about 20 different pieces – but I couldn't find everything. Some blue plastic wheelbarrows were available for transporting the luggage. Besides the luggage – with the help of a stewardess – I managed to locate three Seiko watches, a camera, and some small green cases. I could have taken a couple cameras which didn't belong to me; but I didn't. I explained that I had so much luggage because I was moving, not merely traveling. I might have to pass through customs and explain why I had so many things; customs would take even more time.

The first group of passengers left the luggage area and now a second cluster – mostly teenagers – crowded in. Among them was a young brunette woman who wasn't wearing a top; her breasts were perfect. She was also looking for her luggage. We knelt down close to each other, each of us searching for luggage on a lower shelf. I could hardly keep my eyes off her breasts.

I finally had to move on, even though I hadn't found all my things; it looked as if someone had absconded with part of my luggage. I boarded a vehicle which at first seemed like a boat, but which was actually a train which could also move through water. We were supposed to travel to another nearby airport. The train began moving and sped along extremely fast. The pilot pointed out the sunrise outside the window and mentioned something about Australia; but it looked to me as if we were in Mexico. Beautiful houses were being built on the land. The countryside was so beautiful – I wished I could see more of it. Finally we entered a fog bank and began going downhill, like a roller coaster. The ride became a bit frightening, but exciting.

I couldn't seem to keep my blue pants buttoned, even though several attractive young women (all in their early 20s) were sitting around me. They seemed to be taking a trip together. Maybe sometime I could arrange to travel with a group of women like this. I asked the woman sitting next to me what time it was; but then I remembered I had a watch; it was 7:05. My flight didn't leave until 8 o'clock; but I told the woman I only had a half hour left.

As the ride progressed, I began thinking we were somewhere on the east coast of Texas, near the Gulf of Mexico, headed for San Antonio or Austin. From there, I could fly or travel overland to Fort Worth.

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