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Dream of: 11 July 2000 "Top Of The Mountain"

Carolina and I had gone to visit Burns (a former female high school classmate), who was living atop a mountain, and Carolina and I had to climb up the side of the mountain to reach Burns. As we climbed the steep craggy mountain side, I began thinking I might like to smoke some marijuana. I knew I hadn't smoked any marijuana in a long time, and I knew I hadn't seen Burns in a long time. I had heard that Burns had been living in a Spanish-speaking country where she had become an important personage.

When Carolina and I were almost to the top of the mountain, we were met by an Hispanic soldier with black hair and a black mustache. He wouldn't let us proceed and he wanted to know who I was. I told him I was Steve Collier and I told him to go tell Burns. He walked away, and when he returned, he said we could come on up.

We pulled ourselves up on a ledge which contained an opening to a room and we waited in front of the room for Burns. I could hear her talking to someone inside. I heard her mention that Jerry Seinfeld had also come up to visit her.

As we waited, I looked out over the ledge to the valley below and I heard Burns say something about someone falling off the ledge. Suddenly I lost my balance and I tumbled off the ledge. I saw if I went in one direction, the descent would be so far, I would surely die. I managed, however, to aim myself in another direction where I started hitting tree tops and softer objects. Finally I landed uninjured far down the mountain side.

Burns came out of the room and descended all the way to where I was. I told her I had fallen and I asked her if we could stay down there. She said that we couldn't stay there, that we had to go back to the top of the mountain.

I was afraid I would fall again and kill myself, but it looked as if I would have to climb back up again anyway.

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