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Dream of: 21 November 1999 "Columbus Fair"

I was at a fair in Columbus, Ohio. As I was walking around in a tent, a black girl bumped into me for a second, then walked away. As she stepped off, I realized that when she had bumped me, I had barely felt someone touch my back pocket. I now reached back and discovered my wallet missing. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone slip out of the tent. I now realized the girl's bumping into me had been a ruse so someone else could lift the wallet from my back pocket. I ran out of the tent, but I didn't see anyone outside, and I realized I had lost my wallet, which had contained quite a bit of money. I was upset, but there was nothing I could do now. 

I thought I should get ready to leave and depart from Columbus and return to Portsmouth. I had purchased quite a bit of building material and sand at the fair, and I needed to now load the material into my car. My old buddy Mike Walls was also at the fair and he was going to load some of the building material in his car to help me transport it. I consoled myself that the cheap price I had paid for the building material might help to make up for the money I had lost in my wallet.

I had come to the fair with quite a few other people, but most of the others had already left. Only Walls and a couple others were left. I saw a woman who had come with us. I approached her and asked, "Where's Duff?"

Duff (with whom I first came in contact in 1964 when we were both in the seventh grade) had come with us, but I thought he might have already left. If he hadn't left, however, I needed to find him, because I didn't know otherwise how he would return to Portsmouth. 

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