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Dream of: 21 January 1999 "Recurring Dream"

I was visiting the home of Clifford and his wife Peggy. Clifford, Peggy, and I had been in the same class during junior high school and had attended the same high school. After high school, Clifford and Peggy had married and I had never seen them again. I was glad to now be finally visiting them.

Clifford was in the next room while Peggy and I were sitting together in the living room and talking. In order to be more comfortable, Peggy and I stood up and walked into the bedroom. She sat down on the bed, while I remained next to the bed, talking with her.

I definitely had something on my mind which had weighed on me for many years which I wanted to discuss with her. The story went back to the time when we had been in ninth grade. At that time, Peggy and I had started walking home together after school, and I had developed a crush for her. At the same time, Peggy had also developed a crush for me. She didn't tell me directly, but she told other schoolmates, and the word finally circled back to me that Peggy liked me. When people began asking me if I liked Peggy, instead of admitting the truth, I said no, and I completely rebuffed Peggy. I even quit walking home with her and talking to her. She was obviously crushed, and we never spoke to each other again. Finally she began dating Clifford and they eventually married.

Over the years I had often felt guilty about my obnoxious behavior toward Peggy, and I had often wished I could apologize. I had especially noticed the number of dreams in which I had been able to apologize to Peggy about this event. I figured I must have written at least 20 dreams in which I would meet Peggy and tell her how sorry I was for the way I had behaved in high school.

Now finally I had the chance to tell her. As she sat on the bed and listened to me, I began telling her about the recurring dreams I had had, in which I had met with her in a situation like this and apologized to her. Being able to finally talk with her now was such a relief.

As I spoke, I also experienced a bit of a revelation. I suddenly realized the recurring dreams, (or rather the recurring elements of dreams) had a particular significance for me. I now realized that when certain elements of dreams recurred (such as the many dreams when I had apologized to Peggy), the dreams were an indication of something unresolved which I needed to take care of. What was happening to me now was a perfect example. All my previous dreams about Peggy had led me to this point, when I could finally resolve my guilt by finally apologizing to Peggy. I realized that in the future I would be well-advised to pay closer attention to recurring dreams.

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