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Dream of: 03 January 1999 "Thoreau"

I had just walked into the classroom of a class which I was taking at Baylor Law School. Although I had already graduated from Baylor Law School long ago, I had decided to return and go through the entire program again, intending to obtain yet a second degree in law. So far, the results of my new studies had been impressive. I had just received the grades for my first quarter of work; I had received two A's and two B's. The A's had been in "Corporations" and in "Insurance." These grades were particularly laudable because receiving A's at Baylor was so difficult. I was quite happy at the results.

The professor sitting at the desk at the front of the room was McSwain. As soon as McSwain saw me, he called out to me and directed the attention of everyone in the class to me. He immediately indicated he was quite disappointed in me because I had attended so few classes last quarter.  I knew he was referring to my proclivity to study on my own and my having skipped most of my classes. I simply found I could learn better by myself than sitting through the often-boring law lectures. I thought my grades proved my point. It would be hard for McSwain to argue with the fact that I had made such good grades. To emphasize my point further, I spoke up and said Henry David Thoreau had written that, "A man should march to the music he hears, however measured or far away." I was aware my words were probably not the exact quote; but I thought they were close enough and I was glad I had remembered them so well. I particularly liked the phrase "however measured" in the quote. McSwain seemed duly impressed both with my grades and with the quote; he seemed inclined to leave me in peace.

I sat down in a seat for a while, not paying much attention, until it was time for the class to end. As everyone stood to leave, I quickly hurried out into the hall. A restroom was just outside in the hallway, and I desperately needed to use it. I hurried out to the restroom, stepped inside a stall, and pulled the door shut. To my chagrin, I realized two commodes were inside the stall, and that another fellow was standing inside the stall with me, ready to sit on one of the commodes. I simply couldn't bring myself to share the same stall with this other fellow, and as badly as I needed to sit down on the commode, I left the stall.

I hurried off to another restroom on the next floor. As I stepped into the new restroom, I was relieved to see no one in it. However, I was disappointed to see all the commodes arranged along the side of the room, and no stalls or doors for the commodes. At least it seemed private here; I headed toward the last commode, pulled down my pants, and sat down. Only after I was seated did I notice I was wearing some blue slippers and that I had slipped off the slippers which were now sitting on the floor in front of me. How peculiar, I thought, that I would have been wearing the slippers to a law class. Had anyone noticed?

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