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Dream of: 06 April 1998 "Open Bible"

Feeling somewhat desperate, I had taken on a job at a law firm as little more than a clerk, helping attorneys at the firm with whatever they happened to be working on. I immediately went to work. One female attorney had a client who had put up $6,000 as bail money and was now trying to get it back. I was shown the documents which pertained to the bail money, and tried to figure out if the client had given the money to authorities or to a private concern. From the papers I had, it was difficult to tell. I then worked on a couple of other projects and was surprised that I was able so easily to remember how to do legal work — I thought I had forgotten everything. But the work came naturally to me.

All the attorneys and their assistants were in one large room, with desks scattered all about the room. First I would help one attorney, and when finished, look around for another attorney to help. But by 4 o'clock I had run out of things to do, and I still had an hour to go. I sat down at one of the desks and thought about how much I was being paid — only $500 a week. I figured that was $125 a day, which at least was something. But it was certainly a far cry from what I used to earn.

Since there didn't seem to be much else to do, I picked up a Bible and opened it. I had noticed that most of the lawyers here had Bibles on their desks. I knew it was not because they were religious, but because the Bibles contained certain legal issues with which lawyers needed to be conversant. I was already familiar with most of the biblical issues, but I knew I needed to improve my knowledge.

A woman sitting nearby noticed that I was not busy at the moment, and suggested that I might help someone put some postage stamps on some envelopes. A wave of indignation flashed over me, to think that I had fallen so low as to paste postage stamps. But I quickly regained my composure. It actually didn't bother me that much — I had learned to be much more humble lately. I stood up and headed for the table where the postage stamps were being put on the envelopes.

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