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Dream of: 27 September 1997 "New Boarder"

I was in the front corner bedroom of the Summerdale Drive House. For quite some time this small bedroom had been my room, while Carolina slept in the large main bedroom.

At the moment, in my bedroom with me, was a black fellow (probably in his early 30s). We were both attending a nearby school together, and were on a friendly basis. As he and I stood and talked with each other, a young black woman (about 20 years old) walked into the room. She was a friend of the black fellow, and she likewise was a student at the school.

I was immediately impressed by the woman's looks, by her smooth brown skin. Her short tight blue dress showed off her dark legs.

She only stayed for a few minutes, and as soon as she left I told the black fellow what I had thought about her. I thought he might be offended that I had been so attracted to her, but he didn't seem to mind. He even mentioned that she was having a temporary problem of finding a place to stay. It sounded as if she was just getting ready to start school and was still looking for a place to live. I immediately suggested that she could come and live in my House. We had plenty of room. We had a back bedroom which wasn't being used. It even had a full bath connected to it. She could use that room. But then I remembered that just the day before I had been working fixing a water pipe in the back bathroom and some water had leaked onto the carpet in the bedroom. The carpet was still wet, and I didn't want the black girl to have to stay back there with that. Maybe I would stay in the back bedroom instead, and she could have my room. The only problem was that I had an old-time radio in my room in which I had hidden some valuable coins. I would have to move the coins.

Or better yet, perhaps she could stay in Carolina's room. I suddenly remembered that Carolina was temporarily away. But I felt a bit uneasy about that idea and I was unsure that I wanted to do that.

I walked into the living room and found that the black girl had returned and was waiting there. We both sat down next to each other on the couch. She was definitely beautiful. I put my hand on her knee on the white jeans which she was now wearing and I told her I was glad that she had come back.

We began talking about the possibility that she would live there with me for a while. I asked her if she had any sheets so she could change the sheets on the bed and have fresh ones. I thought if she didn't, I was sure we had some clean sheets around the house which she could use.

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