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Dream of: 22 November 1995 (2) "Steven Strange"

I knew some people who were producing a play, and I decided I would like to get involved in the production. I would do any little job that was needed, even work as a stagehand. Mainly I just wanted to get to know the people better who were in the play. In my hand I had a list of 10 of the people working on the play. In the middle of the list I saw the name "Steven Strange." I had heard of Steven Strange before and knew he was a lawyer in the Dallas area, but I had never met him. I thought he had an interesting name.

I started getting ready to leave. At first I thought I would put on my white tennis shoes. But then I decided that wouldn't be appropriate. I then tried to decide whether I should wear a pair of casual brown leather shoes or a pair of black dress shoes.

By the time I was finally ready to go, Carolina had joined me and was intending to accompany me. We walked outside and began walking down a street. No sooner were we on the street than I saw some advertisements for a jazz concert which was getting ready to start nearby. I walked over and looked at one of the advertisements and thought I might like to go. We were in a small out-of-the-way town, but I saw that some interesting-looking people were already showing up to see the concert. I was torn between going to the jazz concert and going to the play; I needed to decide quickly because time was running out.

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