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Dream of: 30 July 1995 "Murder Plot"

I was expecting my house to be searched by the police, and I had some small instruments which looked like garden tools which I wanted to hide. I thought of taking them upstairs to the attic and hiding them under the insulation; but I realized if the search were thorough, even the attic might be searched, and the tools might be found. Perhaps I should try to bury them somewhere in the back yard. That also seemed like a risky alternative. I was simply unsure what to do with them.


I was watching the police conduct a search of a house, although it wasn't clear whose house it was. Apparently I wasn't a suspect in this case, and I was allowed to observe the search. The authorities were gathering evidence against Walls, and the search was being conducted by a thin attractive brunette woman (probably in her early 20s) who resembled Beth Weller (a female Dallas attorney who worked for Dallas County in the tax department, collecting delinquent property taxes, especially when the debtor is in bankruptcy).

Some boxes and satchels had been brought down from the attic and several letters had been found in one of the satchels. As Weller looked through the letters, I suddenly realized those letters might be mine. Although it wasn't entirely clear whether this was my house, I knew I had once gone through the stuff in the attic, and I thought I had gotten rid of everything incriminating. Obviously I had overlooked the letters, however, and I was unsure what might be in them.

Weller commented about how books are often a good source of evidence. She then triumphantly showed me what she termed an important piece of evidence and exclaimed, "Here's the check!"

She spread out in front of me a personal, beige check which had been torn into four pieces. It appeared one piece might be missing. The check looked rather old and brittle, but the name of the payee and the amount were clear: Salvador Ibarra for $13,000. The check had been in a small book only about 10 centimeters by 10 centimeters in size. Obviously Weller didn't yet know who Salvador Ibarra was, but she was confident she now had a critical piece of evidence. I immediately recognized the check and I knew it could mean problems for me.

I first met Salvador in 1985 in Dallas, Texas. He was a lawyer from El Salvador who had fled El Salvador after being tortured and had come to the United States. I became friends with him and I successfully helped him obtain political asylum. He returned to El Salvador in 1990, where I later visited him several times. He died under mysterious circumstances in 1992, supposedly of a heart attack.

The check for $13,000 brought back another memory which however seemed to date to the late 1970s. Salvador and I had become such close friends that I would help him in any way I could. He had come to me and told me he planned to have someone killed and he needed $13,000 to carry out the murder. He had been careful not to involve me by telling me who would be killed, and I had simply written the check to him without knowing any of the details. He latter repaid me and I never learned whether the murder had actually been committed. Apparently I had stuck the check in the small book and completely forgotten it.

I stood to the side and I didn't make any comments on the check. Obviously Weller didn't yet realize the check belonged to me. I thought of going ahead and telling her and trying to divert attention from myself, but I said nothing. Apparently from the face of the check she was unable to tell who had written it, but clearly she would have the account number checked and would learn it had been my account. Still I said nothing. Instead I thought of complementing Weller on what a good detective she was. Obviously she was thrilled with her work and proud of the job she was doing.

I wondered if there was anything else in the attic which would prove incriminating. And what would I do if I were arrested? I would have to make bond and hire an attorney. I thought I could probably raise $100,000 cash to put up for bail. Then I could assign part of the bail money to an attorney to represent me. If I needed more money I could use up my credit cards. If necessary, although I didn't like the idea, I could later file bankruptcy.

What were my chances if I were arrested? No one knew about the murder plan except Salvador, and he was dead. I didn't even know who the murder victim was, nor did I know if the murder had actually been carried out. I knew the evidence against me was extremely tenuous. I would simply say I had lent Salvador the money and I didn't know what he had used it for. I would explain what good friends we had been, and how it didn't seem at all peculiar for me to have lent him the money. However, I was still concerned about what else might be discovered when my checking account was investigated. What other checks had I written and would there be any further incriminating evidence there?

I would also need to talk with Walls about this matter. As soon as I met with Walls I would explain that I needed to pat him down for microphones and that he could do the same with me. I wanted to level with him that we could no longer completely trust each other. I knew he didn't know anything about the murder plot, but I wanted to talk with him to see if there was anything he did know which might cause problems later.

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