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Dream of: 09 February 1995 "Sleeping In The Attic"

As I was sitting in a chair in the House in Patriot, my sister walked up and sat down in a chair in front of me with its back to me. She turned around and looked at me over the back of the chair. She was probably about 20 years old, was slender and had long brown hair. She didn't look as she normally did, but she was very attractive. She reached out with one of her hands, caressed my penis through my pants, then withdrew her hand. I looked at her and said, "You're ready to do it?"

Although she coyly said she wasn't ready, she obviously wanted to have sex. She and I had regularly been having sex about once a week for a long time, and we had developed quite a good relationship. Of course we didn't want anyone to know about our relationship, and we were always careful. Such a relationship would be condemned; but I didn't think it was any worse than a man having a mistress without his wife knowing.

I was willing to have sex right now, but we had a problem: too many other people were in the House. Besides my family, two other families of my relatives were present. I tired to think of a way my sister and I could be alone. I told her since so many people were here, there might be a lack of beds. I suggested she and I volunteer to sleep in the attic. Then when everyone had gone to sleep, we could have sex in the attic. Of course we would have to be quiet and not shake the House. But I was sure it would work. All we needed was my father's permission to sleep in the attic. I told her I would go upstairs and start looking around, and for her to go tell my father.

I went upstairs and walked into the back bedroom, where I was surprised to see four beds instead of the usual two. The extra beds could be a problem because there might be enough room for everyone after all. And the fourth bed was even a bunk bed. I walked over to the bunk bed and climbed up a ladder to the top bunk. From here I intended to push open the wooden door to the attic, climb up and look around.

But I heard someone coming; I looked around and saw my step-aunt Lou walk into the room. She also didn't look as she normally would. She was dressed in white and looked about 30 years old. She had black hair, was slender, and looked much better than usual. She said she had come to help me.

I was immediately suspicious. I thought perhaps my father suspected something and had sent Lou upstairs. I also suspected my father had left the House and gone on a ride with my sister. He might try to find out from my sister whether she and I had been having sex. If he startled her with a sudden, unexpected question, he might be able to tell just from the look on her face. I hoped she was smart enough to avoid revealing anything to him.

I also thought that Lou suspected something, and that she had been sent to spy on me. However, I was sure I wouldn't reveal anything to her. I proceeded as if nothing unusual were going on, and we began discussing the night's sleeping arrangements, calculating the number of people staying. Along with my father and his family, and Lou and her family, a brother of Lou whose name was Earnest (and who actually seemed like my uncle Liston, Jr.) and his family were in the House. But it suddenly occurred to me that everyone might not spend the night. I turned to Lou and asked, "Is Earnest staying overnight?"

But as soon as I had spoken, I realized Earnest must be staying, because my sister was Earnest's daughter. If Earnest weren't staying, there wouldn't be any point in making the sleeping arrangements.

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