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Dream of: 27 February 1994 "Adversary Proceeding"

With some other lawyers I was sitting in a room outside the bankruptcy clerk's office. I was wearing a suit. Abramson (a bankruptcy judge), dressed in a gray suit, was also seated in the room. He was talking to another female lawyer about the "Adversary Proceeding" which I was planning to file in his court. The lawyer was probably in her mid 30s and she had curly brown hair. Abramson called her "Nina"; apparently he knew her well. Abramson told her he would probably hear the Adversary Proceeding either on Tuesday or Thursday of the following week. That sounded all right to me and I didn't say anything; but I knew I needed to file the Complaint which would initiate the Adversary Proceeding as soon as possible so the defendant would be served with the papers in time.

Abramson spoke to a few more lawyers, then stood and walked out. I waited a while longer, then finally realized there was no reason for me to continue sitting here. I walked over to the back door of the clerk's office and stepped in. Several women were seated with their backs to me, hard at work. Finally the woman nearest me noticed me and quickly turned around. In the process she bumped her head against something. I immediately felt responsible because I had entered from behind her; but she didn't blame me.

My only question was whether the same "Request for an Emergency Hearing" form was used in Adversary Proceedings as the form used in Motions to Lift Stay. She told me the form was the same. Satisfied, I walked out of the room. I thought I heard her say something as I was leaving. I turned around, but she wasn't looking at me, so I went on.

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