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Dream of: 11 February 1994 "Snake In A Vagina"

the power of god's

truth may be necessary

 to conquer evil

I was having sex with several different young women. I would have sex a while with one, then go to the next one. One beautiful, well-developed blonde (about 16 years old) had just walked back into the room when I told her to bend down on her knees and pull off her jeans. When she did so, I saw that she had apparently just returned from a bath, because she still had soap suds all over her butt. I put my right hand over her rectum and slid my fingers into the crack, but it felt a bit gritty, so I pulled my fingers out. Besides, she said something indicating she did not like that and that it would be a despicable act if I was thinking of sticking my penis in there. Instead I felt around until I found her vagina and inserted my penis into it.

Afterwards, I began looking at a notebook which I was making which contained pictures of scenes with the women with whom I had been having sex. The notebook was only about four pages long, but I was intending to add to it. As I continued looking at different pictures, it seemed as if I were actually engaging in the sexual acts portrayed, and I told one of the women to stick my penis in her mouth, which she did.  I was enjoying myself immensely until I came to a picture showing a baby with a penis in its mouth. I had never seen such a picture – it startled me. I thought it might even be a crime to take such a picture. I became more alarmed by the following picture which showed a woman with both a penis and a snake in her vagina. As I watched the snake slither out of the vagina, I cringed thinking that the snake might have been in the very vagina in which I now had my penis. Nevertheless the woman with whom I was presently having sex was so beautiful, I did not stop.

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