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Dream of: 15 November 1993 "Manhattan Skyline"

My wife Carolina and I had arrived in Manhattan in a car which I was driving. As soon as I parked, Carolia said she wanted to go off by herself and look around. Her suggestion didn't sound like a good idea to me, but I pointed out a tall brown building and told her to meet me there at a certain time. She left.

After I started walking around by myself, it occurred to me that letting Carolina go off alone had been a mistake. I doubted she would be able to find her way back to the brown building. I wasn't even completely sure myself where the building was at this point, but I thought I could find it. Carolina, on the other hand, had never been in New York.

I was trying to figure out which part of town I was in. The section seemed a little run-down. I should have warned Carolina to stay out of the bad sections because they could be very dangerous here. I saw a large red brick cathedral which was old and elegant.

I began walking across a bridge. It was perhaps 50 meters long and very high. There was only a cement railing about waist high along the sides. It would be easy to fall off. Or it would be easy to push someone off. Up ahead was a man walking toward me, and another man behind him. I tried to discern if they were dangerous. At first I thought one of them was black, but as he came nearer, I saw that he was white. He was probably about 60 years old and had a white beard. He might even be a Jewish religious man. He posed no threat; I walked on by.

I finally ended up standing in front of an elevator waiting to get on. Several elevators came and went and people crowded on, but I continued to wait. Actually there were two elevators. At one point, one stopped and no one got on it. I thought no one saw the elevator, but then I noticed that it was already full. I was getting tired of waiting and decided that I was definitely going to get on the next one. It stopped and I crowded on. I had to duck my head and step down when I got in because the elevator stopped about a foot below floor level.

I was alone in the small elevator rising into the air of a gigantic building. The elevator was made of glass and I could see the surrounding skyline of Manhattan as I rose. It was so huge. I realized Carolina was definitely going to have a problem finding the brown building among all the tall buildings. When I arrived at the top, I could see the brown building, but it looked small among all the other skyscrapers.

The top of the building where I stopped was round. It was perhaps ten meters in diameter, with glass all around the walls. The elevator came up through a hole in the center of the floor, moved over above the floor and let me fall out.

When I looked out onto the magnificent skyline, I realized the room was revolving. If I stayed in one place, I would eventually see everything.

I was still concerned about Carolina. Perhaps I would call my father and my mother-in-law Paz and leave a message where to find me. Carolina would probably also call them and be able to get the message. If I didn't find Carolina, I might end up having to go to the police station to look for her.

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