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Dream of: 21 September 1993 "Bee Sting"

I was lying in a bed in a room on the second floor of the House in Patriot. I had decided I was going to live for a while in the House. I felt good here. I would like being in Gallia County again. I had earlier been up on the Gallia County Farm looking for my grandmother Mabel. But when I couldn't find her, I had come to this House. I knew my grandmother Leacy lived in this House and I would have to pay her some rent.

I suddenly realized that five men were in the room, and that they lived in the attic. They all had dark skin and appeared to have come from India or Pakistan. I thought it interesting that foreigners were now coming to Gallia County. They stood beside my bed and I talked with one. He pointed to one of the other men and said, "He tells funny stories."

He said that they only took up half of the attic and that another group of men also lived in the attic. The men wanted to know something about me and I said, "I'm the grandson."

I thought that fact gave me an importance that the others didn't have. It meant I could stay here as long as I wanted. But I didn't tell them I also would have to pay rent.

After they left, I picked up a book and began reading it. At the beginning of the book on two pages was a map of Gallia County. The map was very pretty, and although quite old, in good condition. The background of the map was beige, and the roads were marked with red lines. I looked for Gallipolis and found it in the middle of the map. It consisted of several dark lines which represented the streets. The map was so pretty that it gave me an idea. I would like to make a large copy of the map the size of a billboard. Then I would build a billboard and put the map on the billboard. I would erect the billboard behind this House. Or perhaps I would put it on the road leading to the Farm. Actually I knew I could put whatever kind of billboard I wanted on the Farm.


I was outside the House in Patriot. I noticed a mound of ground which hadn't been there before. I examined it and discovered it had been made by bees. I had the feelings that these bees weren't normal bees, but much more ferocious. Finally I saw a hole in the side of the mound where the bees were entering and exiting. When I walked over to the mound, I discovered a boy standing by its side. He had either discovered or made another hole in the side of the mound, and was trying to take out the honey. I walked closer and looked into the hole. I saw a much honey inside. I could also see the white honey comb containing the honey.

Not many bees were on that side. The boy was having difficulty in getting out the honey, and I decided to try to do it. I put my hand in the hole. I immediately realized I had stirred up the bees. I pulled out my hand and took off running from the mound. I saw three or four bees flying in a line straight toward me. Suddenly I felt a bee sting me on the right side of the back of my neck. I knocked the bee off me. I was surprised the sting didn't hurt much.

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