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Dream of: 22 February 1993 "Mountain-Top Church"

probe the mystery of prayer

My wife Carolina was sitting in the front seat of a car which I was driving through the mountains of Colorado. It must have been summer, because the mountains were green. I commented to Carolina about how beautiful I thought Colorado was, and how I would like to live there.

On our left we passed a tall mountain which looked as if it were made of white stone. On a small plateau about half way up the mountain, someone had carved a house right in the side of the mountain. The sight was quite spectacular. When I noticed many more houses carved into the side of the mountain, I thought about how much I would like to live there.

Having passed the houses, looking back one more time, I saw an A-shaped building on top of the mountain. The building, constructed of red bricks, wasn't completely enclosed. I realized it was an open air church and I thought there might be many churches on the various mountains in Colorado. Perhaps, I thought, so many people prayed in those churches on Sunday that God could actually hear them.

Dream Commentary of July 2, 2015

Although I have never been convinced that God listens to any united chorus of voices rising from the churches of the world, I'm inclined to believe that God might some day pay some slight attention to a chorus of united dreams from the Dream Journal.

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