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Dream of: 28 December 1992 "Bubbles In Church"

emulate the righteous

Just as I was about to walk into a church, my ex-wife Louise and a man who was her husband walked up. The husband picked up a child who was with them. Another small boy (about 3 years old) was holding Louise's hand. I realized the boy was Louise's son, and that the other child must also be hers. I could only see the back of the boy's head, which was blond. It occurred to me that the boy might actually be my son.

They walked past me into the church. I followed and watched them sit near the front. I looked for a seat near the aisle where I could see so that I would be able to see the boy's face when they walked out and determine whether the face looked like mine. When I saw an empty seat near the aisle, I walked over to it. When I reached the empty seat, I found a black man and a couple children standing next to the empty seat, and I thought the seat might be theirs. They did not say anything. Instead, the black man took the children's hands and found another seat. I felt quite embarrassed as I sat down; everyone else also sat down.

I could see Louise from where I was. I thought if I saw the child and concluded that it was mine, I would like to positively identify the father. I might even try to hire a lawyer to force Louise to take a blood test to see if the child were mine.

I remembered my high school girlfriend Birdie also had a child which I thought might be mine. I had thought a long time about getting a blood test with Birdie's child. I might need to go ahead and also do that.

The church contained about ten rows of pews with an aisle down the middle. About ten people were in each row of pews on each side, so probably a couple hundred people were in the room. People from the choir were spread throughout the congregation. A few people stood up and sang.

A preacher (a man about 40 years old) stood up in front of the room and began talking. A rather serious discussion ensued. To interject humor into the discussion, the preacher asked if anyone knew what caused bubbles to be made from shampoo.

I rather liked the feel of the church. It somehow seemed as if it might be in the west end of Portsmouth, Ohio. Although the church was in a poor section of town, the people seemed affluent. Uncertain where the people actually came from, I contemplated joining the church myself and attending regularly.

I noticed a picture of a kneeling Christ praying with clasped hands. His eyes were open and he was looking up. A beam of light was shining down on him.

Dream Journal Commentary of June 29, 2015

Worshipping God in church and finding meaning in dreams on the Dream Journal seem oddly similar.

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