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Dream of: 23 October 1992 "Walking On Water"

I was going to invest around $90,000 in two kilograms of cocaine. I counted the money out on a table. The people selling the cocaine had it in two plastic bags. I didn't think the people selling me the cocaine were police, but I thought there was a chance they were. I knew if they were police, they would arrest me when I gave them the money. I asked them if they were police, and they said they weren't. I gave them money.

Sometime after that, I was still concerned that the people I had given the money to were police and that they were planning to arrest me.

After I had the cocaine, someone else gave me a check, which I held for quite a long time.

I also found out that an investigation was taking place by the police concerning the cocaine. I knew that the only evidence which could connect me to the cocaine was a deposit of $90,000 which I had made into my bank account. I was very concerned abut that.

One day I was sitting by a pool of nice blue water. I saw some men who I thought were watching me. I thought I would impress them. I stood, walked over to the water, and stepped into it. Although the water was quite deep, I began walking around on top of it, the water only coming up to my ankles. Mike Walls was here and he tried to do the same thing. But he sunk into the water.

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