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Dream of: 09 October 1992 (3) "Cancun Seminar"

I was sitting in a chair when I noticed Truman and his wife walking past me. He looked unshaven and a bit unkempt. Just as he had almost passed me, I spoke and asked him if he was going to the seminar in Cancun. He paused and indicated he no longer worked in Dallas. I answered that the seminar was for Fort Worth attorneys. He stopped and said that he wasn't going, but that he had been the one who had arranged all the materials for the seminar and that he already knew what it was all about. He said it would probably take me two months to learn everything.

I told him I had been to the seminar the previous day and was going back today. As I talked, my chair tilted back so I was almost lying on my back, but it didn't interfere with our conversation.

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