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Dream of: 23 February 1992 "Androgynous Outhouse"

I was sitting in the kitchen of the Gallia County Farmhouse, looking down at the bottom of the hill, where some men had been building a couple new milk houses. I had decided to build three outhouses up by the Farmhouse. I was going to build one for men, one for women, and one I was going to designate as "androgynous." It seemed that I had already built an outhouse once before for my Cabin, but I couldn't remember exactly.

I was going to put the outhouses right behind the Farmhouse. I had already put the outhouses together and it had only taken me one day to build them. I already had them ready to set up, and I went outside to look at them. I stepped inside one and looked over the way I had put the outhouse together. The men who were working on the milkhouse had built the ceiling of the outhouse for me, but I myself had installed the ceiling on the outhouse.

Carolina was in the outhouse with me, looking it over. As I looked back outside the door of the outhouse, I saw that my uncle Ronald's family had arrived at the bottom of the hill, and they were walking up the hill toward the Farmhouse.

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