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Dream of: 16 October 1991 "Easy Rider"

I was in Leland's office, talking with his wife Susan. She told me the IRS has finished the investigation of the Leland and Susan, and that the Leland and Susan now owed $100,000 to the IRS. I asked Susan if she meant they owed that much, or if that was the amount of their income which was taxable. I knew there was a big difference between the two. She told me that was actually the amount which they owed.

Leland, who was also seated in the room, appeared to be depressed. He wasn't crying, but obviously he didn't know how he was going to pay that much money. I was also concerned because I thought if they owed that much to the IRS, perhaps the IRS would also be investigating me. I might also have to pay some money. I knew I had only filed my taxes a few days before, and that I had filed them late. I was definitely possible that I would have to pay more taxes.

Finally one of them told me they had another room here in the office, and that someone new was going to come to use that office. Apparently it was a band which was going to come to use the room. I also thought perhaps Cobb (a Dallas attorney) was going to use the room.

I walked into the room because I had some of my things in it. I needed to take them out of the room. Carolina was with me. She and I began to get the things together to take out of the room.

Suddenly the men who were going to rent the room arrived. I realized one of the men was someone I had known long ago when I had lived in Portsmouth. I spoke with him and he also remembered me. It had been 20 years since we had seen each other. We almost couldn't recognize each other. Another man was also here whom I had known 20 years ago in Portsmouth. We talked awhile and he mentioned "the times of Dennis Hopper" (the actor). I thought the fellow was making a reference to the movie "Easy Rider." The movie was typical of my attitude 20 years ago.

I asked them if they were going to have a "four member band." They said they were, and that the band was named "Hard Top." I thought I would also like to be in a band. But I knew the most important thing for me wasn't to dedicate myself to music, but to writing. I needed to write more and more dreams until I was able to write beautiful dreams.

Several shelves in the room had my things sitting on them. Carolina began gathering the things together. She walked out of the room with some plates which belonged to me. I also gathered together some things and followed her.

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