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Dream of: 08 June 1991 (2) "Crossing The Bridge"

I was in a small house in Kentucky, across the Ohio River from Portsmouth. A number of other people who appeared to be poor Hispanics were in the house. It seemed as if they didn't live here, but had simply congregated here for some reason. One white man and woman were also here, and when they went outside I followed them. They went into what appeared to be a storage shed, and I went in also. Inside, I saw that some things had been stored here, including what appeared to be some antiques. There was a large ornate wooden bed among the items. I wondered if it was safe to leave things here like that, thinking it would be easy for someone to break in after everyone had left.

I liked the looks of the woman and I thought I would like to become physically involved with her, perhaps even here on the old bed. She and the man obviously weren't attached to each other. She had black hair, was probably in her early 30s, and had a full figure.

Finally, however, I simply left, deciding to head back to Portsmouth. I walked down the road until I reached the bridge across the river. All the while I was thinking about what I was going to be doing in the future. I knew I had recently completed either my first quarter or semester of college and that I might return to college. But when I started thinking, I realized I had probably failed two of the five courses I had taken. I was positive I had failed in math because I hadn't even taken the final exam and had missed most of the classes. I had also taken a German course and I didn't know how I had done in it.

The first part of the bridge was enclosed by wooden walls and a roof. Inside I had to walk up a stairs and I thought how that would be a good place for robbers to lie in wait for someone. But finally I came out and only had a short distance to go to reach the Ohio side.

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