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Dream of: 22 April 1991 (2) "Amusement Park"

I was in an amusement park which resembled Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington, Texas. I wanted to take a ride on the double loop roller coaster. It was very late and I thought the park was about to close. Finally I saw the roller coaster and headed toward it. I had to go through some long corridors and climb up some metal stairs.

When I finally reached the roller coaster, not many people were left. Just as I reached the place to enter the ride, I decided I should first urinate. I could see that in the place where the people were getting off the ride was a corridor which went underground. I asked the person taking the tickets if a bathroom was in the corridor. He told me there was, and I headed for it.

I became aware a woman (perhaps 30 years old) was following me. I knew her name was Carolina. I liked her and was glad she was here.

Once I got into the tunnel it was dark as I looked for the restroom. When I saw the woman disappear somewhere, I went looking for her. When I saw a door, I opened it, looked inside, and saw men in a locker room changing their clothes and taking showers. There was also a pool in the room.

I could see myself in a mirror. I looked good, even though I had put on a little weight. Finally I walked over to the urinals, but found lines of men in front of all the urinals. I got into a line. A baby was seated in some way over one urinal. As I stood waiting, it began to appear the men standing in other lines were also using the same urinal that I was waiting to use. But although I was impatient, I decided to simply wait in line.

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