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Dream of: 01 December 1990 "Barricaded In The Church"


reach for the other side

I first seemed seemed to be with some other people in a house in the small village of my youth, Patriot, Ohio. When I looked outside, I noticed that 25-50 helicopters would pass by at a time, and I concluded that the United States was preparing for war. I thought the helicopters would probably fly out to California, so that they could be ready to go to war in Asia.

Then I was in Berlin, Germany with Wyatt (a female creditor-attorney for Urcarco in Dallas, Texas) and my brother Chris (1957-1974) who was sitting in a wheel chair in the middle of the street. There was no traffic, only large groups of people all around us. We were standing in front of a large red-brick church which had been taken over by some people. A barricade had been erected in part of the street. Although East Germany and West Germany had recently united into one country, it seemed as if some people in East Germany and in West Germany had revolted and that all of Europe was now about to go to war.

It wasn't exactly clear to me what was going on, but I was thinking of making a collage to describe the situation. Wyatt also seemed interested in the idea of a collage, and I began seeing images in my imagination of what would be in the collage. In one image, I saw the image of a worker, perhaps a miner, pasted over pictures of an industrial complex in the background.

While I was envisioning, my attention was distracted from Chris, and when I looked back in the street for him, he was gone. I called to Wyatt and we both frantically went back and forth in the street, and into the church, but we couldn't find Chris anywhere. I hollered, "Chris! Chris! Chris!"

I finally concluded someone had taken him, perhaps even someone from the other side. I stood back from the church and looked at it. I didn't think the people on the other side of the revolt would be barricading themselves in a church. More likely the people on the other side would be inside political buildings.

For some reason, however, I had chosen the side where the church was.

Dream Journal Commentary of April 10, 2015

Churches may symbolize mankind's attempt to contact God just as dreams may represent God's attempts to contact humans. One important contact which God could make would be to give us absolute proof of another side of life after death. Who is to say that this proof is not given to some? All I can say is that it has not been given to me. Nor has anyone offered me proof that I could accept as absolute. I certainly have never seen this absolute proof in the pagentry of the church. Nor have I seen it in the majesty of dreams. If God has possession of this absolute proof of life after death, God certainly keeps the proof well hidden.

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