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Dream of: 27 July 1990 "Last Movement"

While sitting in an easy chair in the living room of the Gallia County Farmhouse, I closed my eyes, and (to my chagrin) I realized that try as I may, I couldn't reopen them. It appeared I couldn't move, and at first I thought I must be having a seizure. After continually trying to open my eyes or move my body, I finally succeeded in falling off the chair to my left onto a stack of papers. I thought that my mother and my sister were in the room and that my falling would get their attention so they might be able to help.

Indeed I did sense them scurrying around me in an attempt to assist me. Only then did I begin to suspect I had actually died. I wasn't yet ready to die; in a state of desperation, I exerted myself to raise my hands into the air. I moaned loudly and I vaguely thought what an apparition I must appear to them reaching out my arms into the air. The thought even frightened me, for I was beginning to realize that I was indeed dead and that this was my last movement. I hoped no one would put her fingers in my mouth and have them bitten off.

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