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Dream of: 09 April 1990 "Whirlwind From The Fog"

My mother and I were standing outside a house where we apparently were staying in Dallas. As I looked out toward the horizon, I noticed some funnel clouds far in the distance, and I pointed them out to my mother. The funnel clouds appeared to be headed in our direction. As we walked back into the house, where my brother Chris was, I began thinking we needed to prepare ourselves in case the tornadoes hit us. Since the house had a basement, perhaps we should go down there. As I envisioned the basement, although I didn't realize it at the time, it appeared similar to the basement in the Gallia County Farmhouse.

My mother spoke to someone on the phone; it sounded as if she said she had never seen funnel clouds before in all the time she had lived out on the plains. Finally I realized my mother was talking to my grandmother Leacy. When my mother hung up the phone and spoke to me again, she said Leacy hadn't called anyone else to tell them what my mother had told her.

Since I was still in no great hurry, I walked back outside and looked down the street, which now was shrouded in an impenetrable thick fog. I could only see about a block. Suddenly I saw some kind of whirlwind emerge from the middle of the fog and I realized the tornado was upon us. I raced into the house, grabbed Chris and headed for the basement. I wondered where I would hide in the basement; it would probably be best to go to a corner and cover us up with a board. I thought we would probably be safe, but I was unsure.

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