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Dream of: 09 December 1989"A Bit Claustrophobic"

It was rather late in the morning; I was lying in bed in a house where either my mother or my father lived. Both my father and mother walked into the room and seemed to want me to get up. I had the feeling my father thought I was lazy for still being in bed that late in the morning, but I didn't want to get up right now; I didn't even know what I would do if I did get up. I might do some exercises, such as bends to touch my knees with my forehead. That should suitably impress everyone.

My mother said she was going to take an invalid relative for a ride in the car. She was going to need some assistance and suggested that I could help. I was undecided whether I would get up and go with her.

Several fellows walked into the room and one lit up a marijuana joint. As they passed the joint around, I was uncertain whether I should smoke any, especially since my father and mother were in the room. I decided I would smoke some, and waited for the joint to come to me. Just as one fellow was about to pass the joint to me, he instead walked around the bed to give it to another person, who took a deep hit. I was afraid none was going to be left for me.


My father and I were in a rather large ranch-style house where several workers were busily working. It vaguely seemed as if we might be in the area of Rosemount, Ohio, but also as if we might be in the area of Gallia County. My father owned the house and said he had already sunk $300,000 into it. He suggested that I might want to become part owner of the house and work on fixing it up. He told me my mother didn't know about the house and that we would have to keep it a secret from her. I really didn't want to do that, because I would like for her to be able to visit me in any house which I might have.

I walked alone through the house, admiring how large it was. No furniture was yet in any of the spacious rooms; I imagined what it would be like describing the house to someone if I were trying to sell it. Actually I had already done a small amount of work in one room by putting some putty compound along the base of the wall. I could point out my work to anyone to whom I was trying to sell the house.


My mother was now showing me through the house. She had recently moved into it and was telling me how much she liked it. She seemed to want me to come here and stay with her, and actually I was tempted. She told me about a pretty girl who lived next door who was in her last year of high school; my mother seemed to think I would like the girl. My mother said she saw the girl coming down the street; I walked outside to look. Several girls were walking along in different directions; I heard my mother say it was the girl in green to which she was referring.

The girl was coming across the street, carrying some school books. I thought about how Carolina was also only in the twelfth grade of school, and wondered why girls that age came into my life. The girl in the green dress was quite pretty. She had black hair and large breasts. She did appear to be somewhat overweight, but her weight didn't detract much from her attractiveness. She walked past me without looking at me. I could see the large hills all around us; it must be rather pleasant for her to grow up in this scenic area.


I was in one of the halls of the house. A large nail was sticking out of the wall over my head. I grabbed it with my right hand and pulled myself up into the air. Now I saw above my head a door in the ceiling which must lead to the attic. I slipped my hand under the door to see if I could feel anything. All I felt was what seemed like fiberglass insulation. When my mother walked into the hall, I asked her if she had been in the attic. She indicated that she had looked up there and that it was filled with papers. She said perhaps an accountant had put the papers in the attic.

I said I would like to look in the attic and see what was there. My mother climbed up some shelves along the side of the wall until she reached the top one. I pulled myself up on the nail until I was close to her, but it was very tight up here, and I told her I was feeling a bit claustrophobic.

I now saw another small door in the side of the wall way up here. I asked my mother if she had been in there, and she said there was only a small table in there. I opened the door, but all I saw on the other side was a wall just a few centimeters from the front of the door.

I thought I heard a telephone ring, but I didn't want to climb down now to answer it.

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