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Dream of: 26 November 1989 (2) "Drill Bits"

Jon and I were sitting on a tall hill in an area which reminded me of the Gallia County Farm. Since it was autumn and the leaves were falling off the trees, we could look out over the hills and see things which we hadn't been able to see before because of the leaves. Off in the distance I could see something which I finally identified as a water tower. Jon told me that his brother Joey lived near the water tower. I told Jon that he and I should go down there, but when he said he didn't want to go, I decided to go by myself.


I was walking along a road trying to find Joey's place. I finally walked into a large barn which appeared to be used as some kind of machinist's shop. A man and his helper were in the shop. The man was on the phone trying to call someplace which had a certain kind of drill bits. He asked me if I knew anywhere which had large drill bits. I asked him if he was calling Portsmouth, because I thought I knew of a place in Portsmouth where he could get them, although I couldn't remember the name of the place. But he told me he had already tried there. Now he was trying someplace far away.

He showed me a sack of the drill bits which I poured out and looked at. They were black and quite large, about a centimeter in diameter. The bits were used for some kind of heavy duty work, and needed to last a long time. I looked at one which was bent.

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