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Dream of: 21 October 1989 "Flimsy Ring"

whereas dreams can be

trusted history is not

always trustworthy

I was at a meeting where Ronald Reagan was discussing some sunglasses which one of his daughters had lost and which he was trying to recover. Apparently the sunglasses were quite expensive, costing around $1,000. Reagan (who himself was wearing a pair of sunglasses) seemed fit and healthy, and gave quite an energetic talk. He even used a fancy projection device on which he could draw the sunglasses and have them projected on a screen.

After the meeting, I was walking along Second Street near the Brewery Arcade in the west end of Portsmouth, Ohio when I ran into Reagan and talked with him for a moment. He noticed that I was carrying a ring and he asked me about it. I told him that it was just an imitation and that I had lost the real one. The one I was carrying had a broken band and a flimsy-looking stone in it. I felt rather embarrassed by his seeing it. When he opened the door to the Brewery Arcade to enter, I shook his hand and said something like, "Good-bye, Ronald Reagan."

I then turned to leave the West End. I wanted to catch a taxi, but none were available, so I began walking. Soon I was walking along a concrete pier by the Ohio River, when I somehow managed to slip and almost fall into the river. I saw the muddy waters swirling below me and I grabbed onto the top of the concrete. I hollered at some people nearby to help me, but they simply ignored me. Finally I noticed a hole in the side of the wall and I was able to squeeze through back onto the grassy land.

When I stood up, I noticed that some little bugs were all over me, and I quickly realized they were ticks that I had picked up on top of the pier. I quickly began brushing them off.

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