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Dream of: 13 October 1989 "Bored With Everything"

While I was in a place which might be in Puerto Rico, I meet a fellow (about 20 years old) whom I used to know, and I went with him to his modest little room. We sat down in the room, where his brother (about 4 years old) was running around. As I talked with the fellow, I noticed he seemed disconsolate, apparently because he didn't have much to do anymore.

I remembered when I first met the fellow, he had been working in some kind of acting group. I asked him why he didn't return to acting. He responded that he didn't want to do that. He had just done it one time and he didn't want to do it again. Basically he seemed bored with everything.

Suddenly the little boy threw a ball of mud and hit me on the right side of my face. I angrily jumped up, grabbed the little boy and held him down. But I didn't do anything to him.


Still in the same country, I was now walking around by myself in the small downtown area. I walked into a shop and found that in the front was a shop owned by the father of a man who had a shop in the rear, in which he sold art objects. Since I needed to urinate, I told the man I needed to use his restroom. I walked over to a corner and begin urinating in the corner, thinking that was apparently where I was supposed to do it.

I began thinking about the possibility of my renting the back portion of this shop. I thought I might be able to use it for something.

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