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Dream of: 30 June 1989 (2) "Transparency"

I suddenly realized I was having a lucid dream. I was so lucid, I concluded I wasn't really dreaming, but was awake and just having very strong images. I decided to play with the images a bit to test them. I imagined a boy sitting in front of me swinging his feet back and forth. I controlled the image so the boy's legs passed through each other as if they were transparent.

Considering where I would like to be, I decided I would like to visit my friend Eloise in Mexico. As I looked around the room, I realized I was at Eloise's home in Mexico, and soon I saw her coming down a circular stairs toward me. Although we seemed to be in a room, it also seemed as if we were outside, and I seemed to be resting my back against the inside of an open car door.

Eloise walked right up to me and I put my arms around her. I pulled her close to me and hugged her tightly. She seemed to be wearing a dress which had some frills around the collar and a very pleasant sense of cleanliness engulfed her. She backed away from me and I looked at her. I said something about how nice it would have been if we could have stayed together. I knew she was married now and I inquired into the state of the matrimony. I quickly intuited the marriage wasn't everything she wanted, and I told her she wasn't happy. She seemed unconcerned by what I said.

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