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Dream of: 05 June 1989 "Barefoot In Court"

I had gone to the Dallas Federal Courthouse, where I was supposed to have a hearing in the bankruptcy case of Hogan (a legal client). One of Hogan's creditors had filed a motion to have the bankruptcy judge allow the creditor to repossess some of the creditor's property held by Hogan. The same creditor apparently had a security interest in a mobile home, the land on which the mobile home sat, and a house.

In the hall I encountered the creditor's attorney (about 30 years old) who, like I, was wearing a suit. I had the definite feeling that he didn't know much about bankruptcy law, and that he thought I did. The truth was I really didn't know that much about it myself, although I probably did know more than he did.

I had been hoping he and I could reach an agreement in this case before going to the judge. I told him that Hogan was willing to return the land and the house, but that he wanted to keep the mobile home. I also told him Hogan needed about 60 days before returning the land and the house. I thought the proposal sounded good. I told him I didn't think the judge would make Hogan give up the mobile home anyway, because Hogan and his wife were living in it. I also told the attorney if Hogan gave back the house and land, the attorney's client would think the attorney had done a good job.

Although the attorney basically seemed to agree with my proposal, he seemed confused about what to do. Since our hearing was already scheduled in front of the judge, he suggested we go on into the courtroom. I was unsure whether we were scheduled for a 10 minute hearing or a half hour hearing. At any rate I told him the judge would probably have to reschedule us if we were actually to be heard.

We walked down the hall together looking for the judge's courtroom. The judge's name was Felsenthall. I didn't want the other attorney to know I had never had a hearing before the judge. However, when I made a wrong turn in the hall and the other attorney told me the courtroom was in another direction, I admitted to him that although I had been in front of the other bankruptcy judges, I had never been in front of Felsenthall.

When we entered the courtroom, probably 25-30 people were already seated inside. I sat in a seat near the back, and the other attorney found himself a seat. I was a little nervous because Hogan wasn't here with me and I thought his presence might be necessary. Plus, I was unsure I had even told Hogan to come to this hearing, and that was part of the reason why I didn't want to have the hearing today.

After a short wait, the judge entered. He quickly took the bench and began calling out names for cases. Since I was having difficulty hearing, I rose and walked to the side of the room and toward the front. I saw some seats in the very front row, and I thought I would sit down in one.

Before I reached the seats, the judge called out Hogan's name and the creditor's attorney rose and announced he was present. I spoke up and announced I was the debtor's attorney. I also announced that I thought the creditor's attorney and I had an agreement worked out, but that I thought the creditor's attorney would still like for us to confer with the judge and get the judge's approval.

I moved in front of the bench and the judge began talking to me. At this point I realized I wasn't wearing any shoes and I was in fact barefoot. Although I imagined all the people sitting in the audience could see I was barefoot, there was little I could do about it now. I just hoped the judge didn't notice.

The judge began asking me when would be a good time for me to have the hearing. He said something about hearing the case at a restaurant downtown, although I wasn't entirely sure what he was talking about. Finally the creditor's attorney looked worried about my talking alone to the judge and he likewise stepped up to the bench.

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